Last week our chicken had 8 chicks. They are very cute! We moved them under the play ground so we don't have to walk all the way to the barn and so when we play we can feed them. Some are black and some are yellow.
Yesterday I took some pictures of the garden. We planted red onion, yellow onions, and green onions yesterday. And today we planted beets, radishes, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower. Here they are. :)
Today I went outside to take some pics of things growing in the front yard. The weather is very nice and sunny here. It's like 65 degrees here. And yesterday was 69 degrees. Here are the pictures. :)
Yesterday when I was in the kitchen I saw something green, so I went to see what it was. And It was a an onion growing green onion. Here is the picture:
Yesterday night daddy went to the auction and got a horse for Jade. Her name is Luna. Luna means moon in latin. So now we have moon in latin and Star. So we have Luna and Star. Here are the pictures of her: