
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Garden Veggies

Every year we have been planting a vegetable garden and I usually  post a picture of something from it every year. This year we've been getting a lot of eggplants. Last time we didn't get eggplant because of some stupid potato beetles! They messed up the plants. So we sprayed the plants with something to make them all die (the bugs) :P (& its organic of course).
Anyway I made some eggplant parmesan with eggplant, tomatoes and basil from our garden. My sisters never eat it, they say eggplant is slimy. So I don't cook a lot when I make it. :) Here is a link to a recipe from Jades Blog if you want to try it. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Goats

Hi Everyone,

You might know that we used to have goats before. We sold them and didn't have anymore for awhile.

So today my dad got goats. Their are 2 babies, We named 1 Charcoal (its black) and the other we haven't thought of a name for it. They're are 2 billies and 2 nannies. I couldn't any pics of the babies and the others because they're scared of me. I guess they just need to get used to us. I will post more pictures later! :)
One of the billy goats ^(Up)
A nanny goat

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yesterday we took a walk in our trail and down the road. We were supposed to be bird watching but we ended up going outside when the bird were already getting ready for bed. So we took a walk. :) My dad rode the 3-wheeler. My mom and little sisters rode on it a little too. I didn't want to. :P The brown horse is the neighbors horse, Candy. The white one is Abby, shes one of our horses.
And I don't think i ever posted to tell you that Star, and the 2 baby horses died a while ago. The babies froze somehow, and Star got really sick. :'(.