
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My New Rabbit

My Dad bought me a new rabbit last night( that makes it 12 rabbits all together!). She is so cute. Jade liked her, so she picked up the bunny and held it, but the it didn't like her so she scratched her..Now Jade doesn't like her at all!! Now; I need YOUR help. What should I name her? I was thinking of "Daisy"..what do you all think? Thanks for your comments!


*Mandy* said...

That sounds like a perfect name for her! She's so cute!

My bunny always used to scratch me without meaning to (we never clipped his claws) but I didn't really mind.

Alyssa said...

I named my rabbit missy daisy... and i call her missy kissy for a cute name because she likes to lick us.